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Format of Full Text

The publication of the full text will be done in the same way as the author. For this reason, the texts should be written on the basis of the following; otherwise the paper will not be included in the symposium book. At the same time, the notification must be sent in full text. If the paper is to be sent by post, the paper file must also be on a CD or other recorder.You can download sample paper which is related with orthography by clicking this.
The texts should be written in A4 size format with Microsoft Word in 12-point “Times New Roman” format; on the page, it should be given space by 3 cm from the top and left, 2 cm from the right and bottom. The basic principles to be considered in writing are listed below:

1. As shown in the sample file, “IV. TURKEY CLIMATE CHANGE CONGRESS, TİKDEK 2017 5- 7 July 2017, Istanbul “header should be used.
2. The title of the paper should be centered in 14 fonts in dark font, if the title does not fit the single line, the second line should be given by giving a range.
3. The title of the paper must not exceed 80 letters.
4. In the case of multiple authors, the author’s first and last names must be written side by side in 12-point font in bold font, and classification should be done by number, and the name of the author to be reported should be underlined. Authors’ titles should not be included.
5. All authors who prepare the declaration must be provided with their full address and e-mail address written in 10 fonts in dark font.
6. At the beginning of the text, Turkish summary and key words and English summary and key words should be found.
7. Abstracts in Turkish and English should be written in single spaces.
8. Abstracts in Turkish and English should be included on the first page with a maximum of 200 words and key words with a maximum of 7 words along with the title of the paper.
9. Paper texts except the abstracts should be spaced one and a half times, whitespace between the header and the text should be spaced one.
10. A line space must be left between the previous chapter and the new chapter title, and a line space must be left between the chapter title and the text. All chapter titles should be written in 12 pt and capital letters.
11. Paragraphs should be written in blocks and a space of one line between two paragraphs must be left.
12. Table and figure names should be written in italic. The names of the tables should be given from the top.
13. References should be numbered in the text. In accordance with the writing rules given in the annex; books, magazines, handbooks, reports, thesis and web site references should be indicated.
14. The paper must not exceed 8 pages including the total text, figures and tables.
15. Originals of figures and tables should be placed in appropriate places in the text.
16. The list of references should be sorted according to the number given. The sample text given in the annex must be taken into consideration in terms of writing of references and other parts.